Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Examine how a labor agreement is administered Essay

Examine how a labor agreement is administered - Essay Example The allotted time frame under step 2 is 10 workdays. After which, if the issues still remain unresolved, the matter is elevated to the chief steward (to represent the grievant) and the immediate supervisor elevates the concern to the department manager, who is the authorized personnel to review and evaluate the matter. The time allotted for step 3 is 15 days. Step 4 is being addressed by local union president and the vice president for industrial relations. A total of 30 workdays is allotted to mediate the matter. Finally, step 5 already calls for arbitration when the issues still have not been resolved (Chapter 14: The Dynamics of Labor Relations, 2012). â€Å"Thousands of Greeks walked off the job on Thursday in the third general strike of the year, this time called by labor unions to protest a surprise decision by the conservative-led government to close the state broadcaster and put about 2,900 employees out of work† (Kitsantonis, 2013); Personally, I strongly believe that unions are formed to serve the best interests of employees or members of the labor force, especially those whose voices could not be aptly heard and duly represented in an organization. Thus, unions’ effectiveness could be measured in terms of their ability to forge a congenial agreement with management (or authorized representatives of the organization) and with the employees (who are members of the union) regarding labor relations issues and concerns. When clear conditions and stipulations have been clearly set by both parties and have been properly evaluated and agreed upon, it would be an indication that the needs and concerns of the employees are effectively represented and served. Thus, unions’ success in serving the labor relations needs of these employees (and that which are acceptable to management) are the standards of measurement for their

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